You’ve applied and applied and applied, but you’re not getting call backs for those incredible career opportunities that are outside of the school system. You’ve NEVER had a problem securing interviews for careers within the schools or within another education institution. So, why are you struggling now? Know this, it’s not you! But it IS quite possible that it's YOUR resume. Many educators have been denied interviews for those sought-after private sector positions and education consultant engagements due to a vastly different resume criterion used by the private industry. YOU ARE INDEED TALENTED; THERE IS JUST A BETTER WAY TO PACKAGE IT. We've assisted countless educators in creating resumes that WIN in the private sector! You can do it too!

What people are saying about us:

Cheryl (Florida Educator)

“The most effective, caring and competent business … I got an interview within one day!”

Cheryl (Florida Educator)

The Broils Consulting Group is one of the most effective and competent businesses I have encountered. I originally started with BCG by attending a webinar and then sought them out for their resume and cover letter services. Within one day of submitting the new resume and cover letter on a job application, I received an invitation for an interview. Moreover, Shelly Broils conducts herself in a way that shows she truly cares whether her clients are making progress in their career change. She follows up, asks how you are doing, and goes above and beyond what a consultant is required to do. What makes a good business is an excellent product/service in addition to superior customer service, and that is exactly what Broils Consulting Group is made of! -Cheryl (Chicago Educator) *The average time to gain an interview may vary per individual.
Patrick (Florida Educator)

I learned that I do have a valuable skill set that is respected and appreciated outside of the classroom.

Patrick (Florida Educator)

Until I met Shelly (Broils Consulting), I had no idea of the vast opportunities in the education field outside of teaching. Shelly worked with me and helped me improve my job-seeking and interview skills. Shelly and her associates will help craft an outstanding resume that will stand out above your competition. Most of all through working with Shelly, I learned that I do have a valuable skill set that is appreciated and respected outside of the classroom. I was able to find employment as an Activity Developer for an Educational Consulting company even before the completion of my work and study with Broils Consulting. If you are looking to leave teaching and wonder how to do it successfully, I highly recommend making the investment and working with Shelly and her team. -Patrick (Florida Educator) (He was hired of out of 60 applicants.)
Aman O.

I got the job!

Aman O.

I wanted to let you know that I received a job offer! The class you had helped me perfect my resume, interview, and negotiation skills. I felt that my resume and cover letter were below average until I came to the class. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to attend the TRS workshops at Quantico four weeks ago. I gained so much from you and I feel much more confident now while I apply for jobs. You shared tips and pointers with us that I was completely unaware of before. I also cannot stress enough how much I gained from the TRS class.So, thank you so much.
Anton W. - CEO

Ranking second to none...

Anton W. - CEO

As a former seasoned CEO, I have witnessed client after clientele specifically request Ms. Broils' services - ranking second to none.
Mrs. L (Atlanta Educator)

“I found the new career of my dreams!!!”

Mrs. L (Atlanta Educator)

This is truly my new dream job! Thank you Shelly! I now go to bed and sleep well and wake up every morning refreshed. I am now making an impact on young peoples’ lives on a global level [in an education career outside of the school system]. I am still in disbelief. -The infamous Mrs. L (Atlanta Educator)
Patricia - Classroom Teacher

I felt like I was given a second chance...

Patricia - Classroom Teacher

I feel so blessed to have met you.  I felt as if I had wasted my life acquiring degrees passing teaching exams and earning certifications. My school was causing me so much anxiety and to make matters, worse I felt STUCK.  It was so refreshing to meet you. Honestly, it was like having a second chance as I had no idea that after 9 years in education, I had skills that were transferable and that somewhere in the world, there is a company that actually might value and respect what I bring to the table. Shelly, you really are amazing and I don’t just want this for myself. I think teachers are wonderful people who deserve so much more respect and you are the person God had chosen to help us. So keep helping us Shelly, your reward has already been prepared. I am so excited about starting my new life in my new career and I have you to thank for this. 
Ms. H - Instructional Literacy Coach

I had no clue until I met you about the many opportunities for educators!

Ms. H - Instructional Literacy Coach

I had no clue until I met you and you educated me on the many opportunities that are available for educators. Outside of the school system, you exposed me to better and showed me hope of knowing I have options with my skill set. Those options helped me to discover that I can still work with young ones, but also have a positive direct impact on teachers through educational technology implementation.  The resume prep and interview course were the best ever! It allowed me to get direct practices on how to interview, what to expect, what to wear and how to understand interviewing is a two-way street . I would highly recommend to anyone who’s serious about getting that next best fit position to make an investment and take the course for powerful and effective knowledge on resuming building, interviewing and how to find the best fit position. Shelly you are supperrrrrrr amazing !!!!!!!!!!!! 
Vicki (Virginia Educator)

“A superb leader and motivator”

Vicki (Virginia Educator)

Shelly, is a superb leader and motivator she helped me identify all skills that I have accomplished as an educator & in my current career. Shelly has given me confidence in order to apply for careers that I wouldn’t dream I had the qualifications. She has gone beyond the call of duty to help me with other projects in the Education industry! I am truly blessed & grateful a spirit in the universe has sent me to Shelly and her wonderful team! -Vicki (Virginia Educator)
Stephanie (Tennessee Educator)

After almost 2 years of searching on my own for a career outside of the classroom (It was like finding a light in the dark!), then I came across Shelly and the Broils Consulting Group

Stephanie (Tennessee Educator)

After almost 2 years of searching on my own for a career outside of the classroom (It was like finding a light in the dark!), then I came across Shelly and the Broils Consulting Group. I finally felt that someone out there not only understood my struggle but had a plan for moving forward. Shelly provided the encouragement, motivation, and direction I needed to achieve my goal. After working with Broils Consulting Group, I got the job offer of my dreams! Thank you to Shelly and the Broils Consulting Group for shining your light and giving me the confidence I needed to believe it was possible!

This resume will open doors that I only have dreamed about.


Wow! It is perfect! Words cannot describe how this resume will open doors I only have dreamed about. Thank you![Corey landed his 1st interview as an Executive with a leading global education company]

Can we ask you a few quick resume questions?

  • Do you have a Professional Branding Statement in the top third of your resume?

  • How about a Career Summary that includes a section highlighting your key competencies and skill set?

  • Are you aware that in the private sector, Career Objective Statements are nearly obsolete?

  • Do your job description sections include a mix of qualitative and quantitative data?

  • Can your resume bypass those ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) or resume bots?

Don't be concerned. We'll show you how to improve the effectiveness of your resume. We've assisted countless educators in creating resumes that WIN in the private sector! You can do it too! Our self-paced resume video tutorials provide a wealth of examples and exemplars, as well as virtual resume coaching advice for Teachers, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators.

The Educators Career Transition Experts

Broils Consulting Group, LLC

The Educators Career Transition Experts


OnDemand Self-Paced Tutorials and Budget-friendly Resources Created for the Retiring and Exiting K-12 Administrator and Teacher